Office 365 – There’s more than meets the eye!

How much are you spending on Microsoft Office software licensing, upgrades, support, and email hosting? In the past, businesses purchased individual Office licenses for each computer, which was installed once and then that version was used for years until the computer...

Wondering about VoIP for Your Business?

VoIP – “Voice over Internet Protocol” VoIP, also called Internet Telephony is defined as the technology that allows voice, fax, SMS and voice-messaging over the Internet rather than the public switched telephone network (PSTN). You can use VoIP with...

Is Your Website a Barrier for Prospects & Customers?

By The Numbers:  46% of Google searches are searching for local results, while 78% of local searches result in an offline purchase. A well-designed website has become important to help potential customers discover you, learn about your services, and ultimately convert...